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AA Program and Try-Out Information


The Zone 2 Ringette competitive AA program provides an opportunity for those athletes in Zone  2 who want to play ringette at a higher level. As such, there is a greater commitment of time,  energy and funding associated with the AA program.  

The purpose of this document is to provide information to athletes and parents/guardians  regarding AA team expectations, commitments, costs, tryouts and team formation.  Please read this entire document (parent and player) and review  prior to attending the tryout sessions.  


Commitment Level 

Competitive athletes are expected to make ringette their primary activity during the winter ringette season. Athletes are expected to attend all team activities including practices, league  games, exhibition games, tournaments, play-offs, provincials, off-ice training sessions, fundraising opportunities and all other organized team events. However, ringette does come second  to academics and family commitments. 


Out-Of-Zone Athletes 

Evaluations are for Zone 2 athletes only.   

At U14AA and U16AA, no Out-of-Zone athletes will be accepted for  tryouts, as the goal of  the Association is to accommodate players within Zone 2. An exception to this will be made in  cases where a viable team cannot be formed in the zone. In this case, a second tryout may  be necessary which may include both Zone 2 and Out-of-Zone athletes. The Evaluation Coordinator and the Executive Board will make this decision. Out-Of-Zone athletes would be required to try out with their home association first and must have a signed release to be considered for a Zone 2 team in the fall (based on release date deadlines).


Player Releases 

Player release guidelines for the Zone 2 AA Ringette program are conducted in accordance with  Ringette Alberta policy 3.0 and the current Zone 2 bylaws. Please ensure that you review these  policies. 

A release is not required for any player moving from their home association to AA  within Zone 2. Applicants attending Try-Outs are not required to provide written notice to their home  associations but it would be helpful if all athletes informed their home associations if they are  trying out for a AA team so that local associations can plan their ice and teams for the fall.  


Athletes that Move to Zone 2 Region

Athletes from outside the Zone 2 region who move into our region due to relocation or other  legitimate reasons should register their intent as soon as they know they are moving, rather than waiting until they physically arrive in the region. These athletes may tryout prior to relocation or may be added to the roster based on Zone 2 Executive Board and head coach approval.  For further questions, please contact the Zone 2 AA Board at


Try-Out Schedule & Timing 

AA Tryout schedules will be posted when ice times have been solidified, hopefully early by early August. AA Tryouts will occur Late August- Early September and will include 3 to 4 ice times.  Athletes will be guaranteed a minimum of 2 ice times. First cuts may be made after the 2nd ice  time.  A second round of cuts may be made after the 3rd and/or 4th ice time.


AA Team Formation 

An Evaluation Committee and Coaching Selection Committee will be formed prior to the start of the evaluations (in accordance with the Zone 2 AA Operating Policies.) 

The Evaluation Committee and the Head Coach will be responsible for selecting players for each team based on individual player performance evaluation rank and specific team needs. The Coaching  Selection Committee will be responsible for selecting head coaches for each team.  

Each Zone 2 AA team will have a minimum of 14 skaters and 1 goalie. 

The Zone 2 AA team rosters will be declared within 7 days of final evaluations and will be  posted on the Zone 2 AA website at The first instalment of registration fees will be due shortly after team formation.


Missed Evaluations 

If a player misses the evaluation because of illness, injury or family emergency, a committee including the Zone 2 AA Board, Evaluation Coordinator and head coach shall decide whether this player shall be selected. The decision of this committee is final. 


Mandatory AGM  

Parents for all selected players will need to attend a mandatory AGM - usually a few weeks after teams are formed (date /locationTBD).  


Other Considerations 

The Zone 2 AA teams are considered Zone teams and have no formal host town. 

Summer is considered off-season so there is no expectation or set schedule of development.  Athletes are encouraged to maintain their fitness level throughout the summer months. Team activities will only be considered for fundraising and/or casual team building opportunities. If you have any questions regarding the AA program or the  selection process, please do not hesitate to contact the Zone 2 AA Executive at


At-A-Glance Commitment for AA Athletes and Parent/Family Expectations

Number of  practices a week

2.5 – 3 ice times a week

Number of regular  season games

Approximately 20 league games a year plus tournament and exhibition  games. This will vary year to year depending on the number of teams in the  league.

Practice Arenas 

Airdrie Genesis and Plainsman, Rockyford, Cochrane Spray Lakes, Cochrane Original,  Cremona, NESS, Rockyridge YMCA, Carstairs, Indus, Chestermere


Once a week (may be in Calgary)

Number of  tournaments

Current recommendations are for 2 local tournaments and 5 out of town  tournaments. The number of tournaments including out of province  tournaments are to be considered based on consensus of the team.

Attendance  Expectations

Athletes are expected to attend all team events, unless sick, injured or  there is another legitimate reason for absences.  These shall be communicated to Head Coach/Assistant Coach prior to event in writing via email.

On-time  Expectations

Athletes are expected to be on time as outlined by coaching staff for all  events.

Required Parent  Volunteering

Includes minor official duties (time clock, shot clock, scoring and penalty  doors) as well as team positions such as manager, treasurer, tournament  coordinator and meal preparations.  In addition, there will be parents  required to take on Executive/Board positions. Executive/Board positions  will be voted in at the AGM in May and will remain in place until the  following year.

Season cost estimates

Registration fees are estimated to be $1600 for the upcoming season. This  includes ice costs, power skating, dry land. This  does not include tournament costs, exhibition games, team wear and helmets. 

Team Gear

Athletes will require a team helmet with team name and color (cost will  vary).  Team wear including hoodies, jackets, warm up gear and practice jerseys as determined by teams at the start of season, (approx. $150 to $200 dollars depending on team consensus). *Team funding and sponsorship may offset some of these expenses. 

A $200-dollar jersey deposit will be collected  by the Team Managers at the start of the season.  Cheques will be destroyed when jerseys are returned in good condition.   

There will be a cash call at the beginning of the season based on fundraising  needs of each team (tournaments and apparel that the teams agree upon). 


Organized by the teams and could include activities such as raffles, bottle drives and sponsorship. This decision can be made with the coaches and  parents once teams are made.  In years past the Board has hosted a fun evening with  a pub silent auction and banquet- and have had great success with fundraising from these events. 


Thank-you for taking the time to read this document


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